An artist collective exploring ideas like physical and digital boundaries, animal and political relations, and extra-gallery display spaces.
A radio that constantly tunes itself to Hotel California by The Eagles.
Terraria designed to house 3D printed Stanford bunnies.
Twelve 3D printed lithophanes of clouds drifting in front of an illuminating bulb, in collaboration with Justin Cooper.
A set of 3D scans and prints done while working with Bre Pettis during the launch of the MakerBot Digitizer.
Research on computers and mathematics for the golden micro-etched image album that Trevor Paglen sent into space.
A 3D printed plotter that draws monster functions.
A sampler to test different LED colors on different pigments.
A belljar that plots itself being opened.
Two hygrothermographs modified to detect human input.
Two TVs on RC car chassis, which only display each other's signals.
An oil painting robot who tracks the motion of light across the room.
A robotic vacuum cleaner appropriated for abstract expressionism.
A logicless robot that blends any number of paints into monochromes.