Visiting each state sharing songs, books,
recipes, and rituals.
AK: Alaska
North to the Future
AL: Alabama
AR: Arkansas
AZ: Arizona
CA: California
CO: Colorado
CT: Connecticut
DE: Delaware
Liberty and independence
FL: Florida
In God we trust
GA: Georgia
Wisdom, Justice, Moderation
HI: Hawaii
IA: Iowa
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
ID: Idaho
IL: Illinois
State sovereignty, national union
IN: Indiana
The crossroads of America
KS: Kansas
KY: Kentucky
United we stand, divided we fall
LA: Louisiana
Union, justice, and confidence
MA: Massachusetts
MD: Maryland
ME: Maine
MI: Michigan
MN: Minnesota
MO: Missouri
MS: Mississippi
MT: Montana
NC: North Carolina
ND: North Dakota
Strength from the Soil
NE: Nebraska
Equality before the law
NH: New Hampshire
Live Free or Die
NJ: New Jersey
Liberty and prosperity
NM: New Mexico
NV: Nevada
All For Our Country
NY: New York
OH: Ohio
With God, all things are possible
OK: Oklahoma
OR: Oregon
PA: Pennsylvania
Virtue, liberty, and independence
RI: Rhode Island
SC: South Carolina
SD: South Dakota
Under God the people rule
TN: Tennessee
Agriculture and Commerce
TX: Texas
UT: Utah
VA: Virginia
VT: Vermont
WA: Washington
WI: Wisconsin
WV: West Virginia
WY: Wyoming
Equal Rights